
Blogging & Dynamic Assets

This makes ryfie a full-fledged CMS with unlimited potential

Blogs are included with any ryfie plan.

More than 50 template designs available

Get a head start with our template designs specifically made for Stories. All of them are included with any paid ryfie plan.

Customize everything inside

Many more designs coming

Available in Free

Blogging is the core of any respectable CMS so, the main blogging functionality is FREE to use by everyone.

Full Blog System

ryfie offers all the usual types of post types, categories, tags and taxonomies with our Blogging functionality. We've got you covered!

Smart Templates

Work more naturally with the builder by creating pages and templates at the same time. Every page can be a template.

Create custom assets to build anything you need

ryfie lets you create custom assets (post types) or add/edit custom fields in your current assets.
Allows complex functionality

Super easy to set-up and use

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Made With ryfie